Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is the result of the bacteria in plaque building up between the gums and teeth. The growth of the bacteria can cause the gums surrounding teeth to become inflamed. Periodontal disease is fortunately preventable, with simple oral habits such as regular brushing and flossing, but if you should develop a case of the disease, there are several options in treating it. At Katy Smiles Center, we offer dental scaling, root planing, and periodontal surgery as options for periodontal treatments in Katy, TX.

Dental Scaling & Dental Root Planing

This process is also known as a deep clean. The first part, scaling, consists of the removal of all the plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) from above and below the gum line. Once the teeth are cleaned of this debris, the dentist will then plane the tooth roots by smoothing them out. This helps the gums reattach to the teeth and helps prevent bacteria from collecting in the form of plaque on the surface of the tooth. The goal of scaling and planing is to help the gum tissue to heal and shrink the periodontal pockets.

The procedure usually takes more than one visit to complete and may require an anesthetic, as well as medications afterward.

Periodontal Surgery Katy, TX

Periodontists aim to achieve periodontal health in the least invasive manner possible, but if that proves unsuccessful, surgery may be required to restore your gum health.

There are several types of gum surgery. Each procedure involves making an incision in the gum to either clean below the pockets (gingival flap surgery), remove excess gum tissue (gingivectomy), or reshape healthy gum tissue (gingivoplasty). Periodontal surgery may also include bone surgery, including bone grafts, and soft-tissue grafts. Your periodontist will discuss these options with you to determine which is most suitable for your case.

Following the surgery, your Katy, TX periodontist will inform you on how to care for the teeth and gum tissue properly. You may also need to make visits to your dentist office at intervals between cleaning appointments so that they can check up on the health of your gums.

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